Blog Content Guide

File Structure

Each blog post is a markdown (.md) file in this directory. The filename becomes the URL slug (e.g., becomes /blog/how-elevation-affects-weather).

Creating a New Blog Post

  1. Create a new .md file in this directory
  2. Start with the frontmatter (metadata) at the top:
title: "Your Post Title"
date: "YYYY-MM-DD"
category: "Category Name"
excerpt: "A brief 1-2 sentence summary of the post"
author: "Author Name"
readingTime: estimated_minutes
image: "/images/blog/your-image.jpg"
  1. Write your content using markdown formatting:

Markdown Formatting Guide


The title in your frontmatter automatically becomes your H1 (main title). Do not add another H1 in your content.

# H1 - DO NOT USE (title from frontmatter is automatically H1)

## H2 - Main sections (e.g., "Key Features", "How It Works")
### H3 - Subsections (e.g., "Installation Steps", "Usage Examples")

Example header structure:

title: "Living at High Altitude" (This becomes your H1)

Introduction paragraph...

## Benefits of High Altitude Living (H2)
Main section content...

### Improved Cardiovascular Health (H3)
Subsection content...

### Better UV Exposure (H3)
Subsection content...

## Challenges to Consider (H2)
Another main section...

Text Formatting

**Bold text**
*Italic text*
Regular text


- Bullet point
- Another bullet point

1. Numbered item
2. Another numbered item


[Link text](URL)


![Alt text](/images/blog/image-name.jpg)

Available Categories

  • Climate & Weather
  • Geography
  • Lifestyle
  • Science & Education
  • Travel & Activities

Best Practices

  1. Keep paragraphs concise and readable
  2. Use headers to organize content
  3. Include relevant images
  4. Link to other relevant posts when possible
  5. Add real data and sources when discussing elevation data

Image Guidelines

  1. Store images in /public/images/blog/
  2. Use descriptive filenames
  3. Recommended image size: 1200x630px
  4. Format: JPG or PNG
  5. Max file size: 500KB

Example Post Structure

title: "Post Title"
date: "2024-01-20"
category: "Category"
excerpt: "Brief summary"
author: "Author Name"
readingTime: 5
image: "/images/blog/example.jpg"

Introduction paragraph that hooks the reader...

## First Main Section
Content explaining the first main point...

### Subsection
Detailed information about a specific aspect...

## Second Main Section
More content...

### Key Points
- Important point 1
- Important point 2
- Important point 3

## Conclusion
Wrap up the main points...
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