Blog Content Guide
File Structure
Each blog post is a markdown (.md
) file in this directory. The filename becomes the URL slug (e.g.,
becomes /blog/how-elevation-affects-weather
Creating a New Blog Post
- Create a new
file in this directory - Start with the frontmatter (metadata) at the top:
title: "Your Post Title"
date: "YYYY-MM-DD"
category: "Category Name"
excerpt: "A brief 1-2 sentence summary of the post"
author: "Author Name"
readingTime: estimated_minutes
image: "/images/blog/your-image.jpg"
- Write your content using markdown formatting:
Markdown Formatting Guide
The title in your frontmatter automatically becomes your H1 (main title). Do not add another H1 in your content.
# H1 - DO NOT USE (title from frontmatter is automatically H1)
## H2 - Main sections (e.g., "Key Features", "How It Works")
### H3 - Subsections (e.g., "Installation Steps", "Usage Examples")
Example header structure:
title: "Living at High Altitude" (This becomes your H1)
Introduction paragraph...
## Benefits of High Altitude Living (H2)
Main section content...
### Improved Cardiovascular Health (H3)
Subsection content...
### Better UV Exposure (H3)
Subsection content...
## Challenges to Consider (H2)
Another main section...
Text Formatting
**Bold text**
*Italic text*
Regular text
- Bullet point
- Another bullet point
1. Numbered item
2. Another numbered item
[Link text](URL)
![Alt text](/images/blog/image-name.jpg)
Available Categories
- Climate & Weather
- Geography
- Lifestyle
- Science & Education
- Travel & Activities
Best Practices
- Keep paragraphs concise and readable
- Use headers to organize content
- Include relevant images
- Link to other relevant posts when possible
- Add real data and sources when discussing elevation data
Image Guidelines
- Store images in
- Use descriptive filenames
- Recommended image size: 1200x630px
- Format: JPG or PNG
- Max file size: 500KB
Example Post Structure
title: "Post Title"
date: "2024-01-20"
category: "Category"
excerpt: "Brief summary"
author: "Author Name"
readingTime: 5
image: "/images/blog/example.jpg"
Introduction paragraph that hooks the reader...
## First Main Section
Content explaining the first main point...
### Subsection
Detailed information about a specific aspect...
## Second Main Section
More content...
### Key Points
- Important point 1
- Important point 2
- Important point 3
## Conclusion
Wrap up the main points...